"Destiny is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for,
it is a thing to be achieved."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The Purpose
The leave rules have been formulated to enable the employees to maintain a healthy work
life balance. Leave is given to the employees to provide for sickness/emergency/personal
work/rest and recreation. Calculation of PL / CL / SL shall be on the basis of calendar year
starting from January and ending with December, every year.

The Span
All confirmed employees of the Company covered under this Manual are eligible for leave.
The Responsibilities
The Head of HR along with the consensus from the President  – Marketing & OD is
responsible for determining the Leave Policy

Types Of Leave

1. Privilege Leave (PL): Privilege leave as the term suggests is the privilege of an
employee as he/she has ‘earned this leave’.

2. Casual Leave (CL):  Casual leave can be availed by an employee to attend to
unforeseen events/exigencies.

3. Sick Leave (SL): An employee can avail this leave when he/she is not in a position
to attend office on grounds of ill - health.

4. Short Leave – Half day CL

5. Maternity Leave

6. Leave Without Pay (LWP)Privilege Leave (PL)

All confirmed employees would be entitled to PL at the beginning of the year for the
following year. For probationers it will be decided as a special case on a case-to-case
basis by the DMD.

30 working days for the non-bargainable employees. However, for first and last year
of services, it shall be on prorated basis.

PL may be accumulated for a maximum of 240 days. PL will exclude preceding,
succeeding and include intervening holidays.

Any excess PL over 90 days will be encashed once in a calendar year on the basic salary of
January of the year of encashment
The entire PL is encashable on retirement or separation.

PL cannot ordinarily be taken for more than a calendar month at one time.
Exception can however, be made on the grounds of sickness. Privilege Leave can be
combined with Sick Leave if he/she falls sick while on PL with proof from a
Registered Medical Practitioners.
PL Can not be combined with CL
Vacation plans for the leave year must be submitted to the Company at least a
fortnight prior to leave commencing, wherever possible, so that work may be
planned accordingly.
Leave will be calculated on the basis of the calendar year i.e. from 1st of January to
31st of December. For people joining in the middle of the year, leave will be given on
a pro-rata basis and the first PL will become due after confirmation of service
The Company retains the right to not grant leave based on the exigencies of work
It is advised that no Department grants leave to more than 20% of its total
manpower at the same time. Leave should be granted on a first-cum-first served
basis as also depending upon exigencies / needs of the employeeNo additional manpower may be sanctioned for departments against employees
going on PL.

Sick Leave (SL)

All confirmed employees of the Company not covered under the ESI Scheme or any
such scheme that may be statutorily enforced in future. 

06 days in a year. For employees who join midway through the year, leave will be
calculated on a pro - rata basis.

SL can be accumulated for a maximum of 90 days, after which it lapses.

Accumulated SL can be encashed at the time of retirement or separation

A Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner has to be submitted if
the employee takes SL for more than 2 days.
If SL is exhausted but the employees is still sick at can be combined with PL but it
can never be combined with CL
SL will exclude preceding and succeeding national holidays or weekly holidays but
will include intervening holidays.

Casual Leave (CL)

All confirmed employees of the Company.

Up to 06 days in a year to be given for unforeseen events and exigencies upon prior
Unavailed CL can be merged with PL of following year.

CL cannot be taken for more than 2 working days at a time.
Encashment of CL is not allowed
CL cannot be combined with any other leave.
CL will exclude preceding & succeeding national holidays of weekly holidays.

Leave For Trainees & Probationers

All the probationers and trainees working in the Company.

The Trainees / Probationers are not allowed any leave.

Study / Training Leave

All employees of the Company.

Study / Training leave is to be decided by the management on a case-to-case basis
and will not be granted as a matter of right.
The course should be relevant to the functional areas of the incumbent at the
workplace or as may be deemed necessary by the management.
Employees will be required to submit relevant documents on completion of the

Compensatory Off

Senior Technician to Officer are allowed to avail compensatory off in an event of
engagement in extra shift due to non availability off reliever or doing duties on off
days / holidays

For every extra work completed after normal work – eligible employees are entitled
to 1 day ‘C OFF” on the basis of following criterion:
Extra work       Validation to Avail
Holiday -          6 Month
Working Day / Off day        2 Month
Extra duty  (Min 8 hrs)       1 Month

After the completion of such extra duty the employee must swap his attendance card
and collect the prescribed format.
For claiming compensatory off the employee should apply in writing stating the
reasons for extra work, in a prescribed format and submit that to the HOD for his
Request for crediting the compensatory off, duly approved by HOD shall be sent to
HRD, within three days.
All compensatory offs should be completed within a month or at the maximum
carried forward to the next month and not beyond that.

Maternity Leave

All the confirmed married women employees can availed maternity leave if they
have completed 180 days of continuous service and not covered under ESI Act.
Maternity Leave is restricted to 2 children only.

The female employees will be entitled to 12 weeks of Maternity leave of which not
more than 6 weeks can be taken before the actual date of childbirth. Maternity
Leave will be available for a maximum of two deliveries.
In case of miscarriage or if the pregnancy is terminated on medical grounds, leave
up to 6 weeks thereafter will be allowed.
This leave can be combined with the available sick leave, in case it is needed by the
employee and / or privilege leave but not the casual leave.

Leave Without Pay (LWP)

Leave without Pay (LWP) will be given to employees only in exceptional
circumstances purely at the discretion which could include reasons such as
maternity, personal sickness or sickness in the immediate family or for pursuing
relevant higher education.

Any employee wishing to go on LWP will need to apply for the same to his/her Head
of Department for approval who in turn will forward it to the HRD Department. Only
the DMD / Head of Operation will take the final decision on granting LWP over 10
days in a year.

Maximum 20 days Leave Without Pay in a year, at the discretion of the management.

Advance Leave

Advance leave will be given to employees only in exceptional circumstances purely
at the discretion which could include reasons such as personal sickness or sickness
in the immediate family.

Any employee wishing to take Advance leave will need to apply for the same to
his/her Head of Department for approval who in turn will forward it to the HRD Department. Only the DMD / Head of Operations will take the final decision on
granting Advance Leave

Other Details
Any leave beyond maximum limit of accumulation shall lapse.
Leave will have to be sanctioned by the Head of the Department.
Duly sanctioned Leave Applications should be forwarded by Sanctioning Authority
to the HRD Department in advance or maximum within 3 working days of reporting
back, in the absence of which, it will be treated as unauthorized leave / absence.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What is coral player?

What is coral player?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
CoralPlayer is a scam. If you go to their web site (which you really have to search for to find a way to get to the page) you will find a link that says that you can "purchase" CoralPlayer for only 95 cents. But if you read the rest of the site you will find that what you are "purchasing" is a 3 day trial. After that you are charged $19.95/month. By "purchasing" it you automatically agree to be billed after 3 days and then monthly after that. It is ludicrous that you would rent a piece of software to do something so simple as play a video and the per month price is what you would expect to pay for the average video player which you then own forever. I have seen reports of some videos claiming to require CoralPlayer to play. Apparently your ordinary player can play the part that says you need CoralPlayer to play the video. What this means is that the makers of CoralPlayer have invented a market for their software. A small portion of the file will play with any player. The rest of the file is presumably in a proprietary format which they created for the sole purpose of distributing videos which you then have to pay them monthly to view. Complete scam, total waste of money.